Trendsetter or a Copy Cat?

4:14 PM

This happens quite often in my life. I just start to like something and suddenly it become very popular among us. This is happen in the matter of anything. Song, food, passions,hobby and etc. I know I'm selfish because I want to be unique. Different than the others. Sigh.

Trendsetter if I start it all, and many people follow my footstep, or to also like what I like. But, then when lots of people starting to do the same, they a lil bit late than me and somehow, in a week or two they're good already on that stuff, when I still wondering why people also like what I like. sigh.

Copy Cat, I'll be a copy cat soon. No, VERY SOON! I decide my future. and I told someone. And the someone find it's interesting and the someone had taken the same decision. BUT, the someone go earlier to the plan. THE SAME PLAN AS MINE! and later, I'll be a copy cat of the someone.Sigh.

why life is unfair. Can I be someone someday? I always want to be someone. So other people will respect me. That's what in my mind. I also like to be surrounded with people who had different hobbies, genre of music, and etc. The thing is yes! I want to be different.

I'm looking for my identity? maybe, I don't know what my passion is, what I'm gifted in and what my personality is. No, I'm not looking. I'm shaping my self to a thing that I think it's probably match with me.

Oh, why life is so hard. Lucky I had someone who help me to make it smooth, easy and less painful. I really grateful to have people who care about me. And the important thing they
understand me. Thank you mom, dad, pengyou, classmates and you ♥.

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maybe you can help me! Have a good day!

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