
Grew Up in 90's

4:38 PM

Grew up in the 90s. :D

We are the last generation who learned to play in the street & causing troubles to our neighbors. We are the first one who've played video games, and we're the last ones to record songs off the radio on cassettes and we are the pioneers of Walkman and chat-rooms.

We learned how to program the VCR before anyone else, play with Atari, Super Nintendo, & Genesis. We also believed that the internet would... be .........a free world.

We are the generation of the POKEMON, DORAEMON, Samurai-X, Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles, Transformers, and Ultraman,. Traveled in cars without seat belts or airbags, lived without mobile phones.

We didn't have +99 television stations, flat screens, surround sound, mp3, iPods, Facebook or Twitter but nevertheless we had a GREAT TIME! :)

(Re-post if you're one of us!)

Those were the great years!
<< 1994 >> !!

I get this post from my friend Raymond. He's right,




12:36 PM

Gue udah sering jalan ama beberapa cowok. (No, Gue ga player. sekali lagi ga! Gue ga kaya temen gue Ira yag pacarnya ganti2 tiap hari!). Mereka itu nemenin gue untuk beli barang atau apa lah. Every of them itu beda-beda. Percaya deh. Unik2 mereka semua..

Last year, gue pergi sama MANUSIA bernama Jimy. Gokil anaknya. Iya banget! Slankers sejati! Jadi geng, dia nemenin gue ke Pasar Seni untuk survey harga jaket. Kita mau bikin jaket kelas. Semua berjalan normal mulai dari jalan ke LRT sampe di Mesjid Jamek. Sampe di Mesjid Jamek, kita tuker LRT ke Kelana Jaya Line. Okay. Setelah dia beli tiket (karna gue pake Touch&Go), kita berdua masuk. kita naik ekskalator mau turun. Dan tiba2 saja Jimy ini mempraktekkan Ilmu ini:

yes, dia ngebersihin ujung sepatunya pake itu. Persis kayak gitu. belom sampe di situ aja. Ga lama kemudian, ujung sepatunya nyangkut dan dia kaget. Alhasil makin kotor sepatunya. Itu ngelawak banget. Sumpah ga boong. Kalian harus lihat ekspresi mukanya. Dan gue hanya mencba menahan ketawa gue supaya ga membludak di depan orang banyak. Nanti dia tambah malu. *teman yang baik bukan?* Tapi dia baik loh geng. Waktu sampe sana ujan deres. dan dia minjemin jaketnya supaya gue ga keujanan. *so sweet* Thanks Jim! Lo emang temen gue paling gokil.

Hari ini gue pergi bareng Ipang. Awalnya gue berniat pergi sendiri, karna ga ada yang mau nemenin gue. *forever alone* tiba2 MANUSIA bernama Ipang ini nelfon. Dia bilang mau nemenin gue *awh, so sweet* dan ternyata dia dipaksa *ga jadi sweet* *Asem!*. Dia itu mungkin SEDIKIT lebih normal dari Jimy. Perjalan gue biasa-biasa aja. Iya karna dia SEDIKIT normal dari Jimy. Okay bagian ini ga bisa di ceritain, dia minta untuk di rahasiakan. Trus udah beli bunga, kita jalan balik ke LRT. Di LRT kita taruhan kalo yang paling belakang itu lebih deket ke ekskalator. dengan taruhan kalo gue menang Dia jadi pacar gue, dan kalo Gue kalah gue jadi pacar dia. OGAH! enak dia! Trus. di LRT dia curhat gitu.


I: Dulu tangan gue pernak robek tau (sambil mengamati tangan nya)
G:*heran* Robek pang? kok bisa? gara2 gitar? *ngebayang berdarah2*
I: ngga gatau kenapa, tiba2 kulit gue robek2 gitu. pas gue bangun2 udah kaya gitu.trus sampe sini2 (menunjukkan telapak tangan)
G: *Ngakak baru ngerti arti robek sebenarnya* Itu namanya ganti kulit!!
I: Iya ya? ah ngga ah, robek. dulu pas kaya gitu tangan gue kasar. orang mau salaman aja ogah.sekarang udah halus tangan gue kalian protes.
G: lo sih ga pernah nyuci piring, nyuci baju dll
I: pernah kok, gue kan rajin.
G: iya setahun sekali aja ngga
I: hehe lo tau aja.

Okay, sekian dia curhat. sampe di PWTC gue kalah taruhan! ternyata ekskalator yang minggu kemaren gue liat rusak, sekarang udah bener. WTF. gue kalah, tapi gue ga terima kalo harus jadi pacar Ipang. jadi we'll see what I have to do.

oh, ga cuman mereka berdua. cowo itu karakternya unik2 ada yang pelit banget sama uang, ada yang ga peduli. ada yan mau nya gratisaaaan mulu. Segini aja, ntar kalo ada lagi yang nemenin gue. Gue update!

Happy reading!


missed BBW, meet friends, candy aneh sialan dan Hot&Roll yang *tuuuuuut*

2:28 PM

Today is Big Bad Wolf aftermath sale.. My friend Nadia, vinca, retna and ipang went there. And they make me SUPER SUPER DUPER JEALOUS! Nadia katanya beli buku 12, retna dikit, vinca 6 buku. Ipang? HAHAHAHAHAHA, Ipang no need to ask. Dia beli buku? kiamat dunia. So yeah, I missed the Big Bad Wolf sale.

and today I went ngaji as usual, in KLCC. After ngaji gue ke Kinokuniya buat beli hadiah Pak Dwi wali kelas gue (semoga dia ga baca ini post). kami ingin memberikan sebuah pulpen yang bisa di craving itu. sayangnya orang yang mengcraving nya tidak ada. Oh ya, before that I meet Nadia dan Vinca and their friend I don't know who.

So, I decide to went back home. Tapi gue laper. gue berinisiatif membeli makanan. but, when I'm on my way to food (right way) I passed the candy shop in KLCC called candylicious. gue berusaha mencari candy favorit gue di sana. Tetapi none. ga ada sama sekali. okay, lalu gue melihat banyak anak kecil beli serbuk2 warna warni yang berbagai rasa. gue liat harganya cuma 6 ringgit. well, six ringgit of those ga cuman sih. Akhirnya gue ke goda untuk beli. Udah selesai ngisi, gua coba. AND THEN I REGRET THAT I HAD BOUGHT THAT NOTREALLYNICE THING. okay enough, jebol capslock gue. Dan, akhirnya gue ga jadi beli makanan. Poor me.

Pulang, di bawa nyokap ke jusco. beli beras, katanya beras juga ada sale nya. ternyata ga ada. Okeh, cukup permen itu aja. Eh, ternyata ngga. Gue saking lapernya beli Hot&Roll di Jusco. dari fotonya it really look delicious. gue mesen satu. Eh, TERNYATA TEMAN, TERNYATA itu cuma salami ato sliced sausage di kasih keju DIKIT dan saus black pepper. OMG! another waste of RM. 5.90. Ini gue yang malang atau gue emang bego? Yasudah lah. Ku relakan RM 6.00 + RM 5.90 = RM 11.90.

Okay, gue beli kimchi ramen instan yang biasa gue beli. That make me feel better. Good Bye 11.90. Oh wait! can you see the number 11.90 --> 11.9. OH YES! BAD LUCK! This number. padahal ultah gue 12.9. OKAY STOP!

have a nice weekend readers!


Trendsetter or a Copy Cat?

4:14 PM

This happens quite often in my life. I just start to like something and suddenly it become very popular among us. This is happen in the matter of anything. Song, food, passions,hobby and etc. I know I'm selfish because I want to be unique. Different than the others. Sigh.

Trendsetter if I start it all, and many people follow my footstep, or to also like what I like. But, then when lots of people starting to do the same, they a lil bit late than me and somehow, in a week or two they're good already on that stuff, when I still wondering why people also like what I like. sigh.

Copy Cat, I'll be a copy cat soon. No, VERY SOON! I decide my future. and I told someone. And the someone find it's interesting and the someone had taken the same decision. BUT, the someone go earlier to the plan. THE SAME PLAN AS MINE! and later, I'll be a copy cat of the someone.Sigh.

why life is unfair. Can I be someone someday? I always want to be someone. So other people will respect me. That's what in my mind. I also like to be surrounded with people who had different hobbies, genre of music, and etc. The thing is yes! I want to be different.

I'm looking for my identity? maybe, I don't know what my passion is, what I'm gifted in and what my personality is. No, I'm not looking. I'm shaping my self to a thing that I think it's probably match with me.

Oh, why life is so hard. Lucky I had someone who help me to make it smooth, easy and less painful. I really grateful to have people who care about me. And the important thing they
understand me. Thank you mom, dad, pengyou, classmates and you ♥.

Thanks for reading, leave your comment.
maybe you can help me! Have a good day!

Pa budi makin ganteng dan makmur..

8:24 AM

Oh, oh gue di kelas TI hari ini. As usual presentasi HTML, Eh, guru TI gue itu namanya Pak Budi. Orang nya Narsis2 gitu, pede banget dan suka ngelawak (kali) trus dia juga orang nya gaul abis, guru paling gaul kali di sekolah gue, dan FYI dia it punya twitter juga loooh! dan sering check in di foursquare, GAUL banget pokoknya... Daan, dari awal gue ketemu dia sampe udah mau dua tahun, kayaknya dia makin ganteng (kayaknya) deh makin makmur juga. Jangan mikir yang ngga-ngga gue bukan mau minta nilai lebih, cuma ini emang FACT! eheheeheh. *semoga pa budi baca dan makin baik ama gue*

kelas TI udah mau kelar guys. Anyway,

wish you all the best!
moga makin rajin jadi ketua (baca:pembantu) Kelas..
All the best!

eheheheh, gue udah mau ciao! see yaa!


another 2 weeks, Part II

2:50 AM

Let's continue suffering!

Anyway, Finally 'another 2 weeks' is almost done! only 1 week left! THANK GOD!

If the beginning was tortured by mandarin assignment. Actually that was not bad enough. I can through that stressful and torture way very smoothly and painfully. Only one week left, I really grateful to god. Who making this week not really long.

First of all, Indonesia vs Malaysia football SEA GAMES was last two days, and INDONESIA lose. Oh man, that's even worsen my week! Lose again? and the following day, I was like loosing spirit. Yes! I'm ain't kidding. I Love my country so much. So whenever they lose I will also sad.

Oh yes, this is Saturday, today suppose to be my usual Saturday but, what happen? I don't have my usual Saturday, which is can refresh me up until the following weekends come. Today got lots of people gathering in my house. So, I need to help my mom to do all the preparation. That's okay. And He will come too! :D At least there is something cheer me up! but, after this I must be really tired, to clean it. sigh. Nevermind.

I wish I can have my usual Saturday in the following weekends.

Have a good weekends everyone!


1:07 PM

Oh man, I am always useless as I used to.


another 2 weeks.

10:35 AM

I don't know why. In every part of my life there are always 2 weeks that is not usual than other week. Confused?. What I mean is there are 2 weeks that something that I don't want it happen, happened. And the funny thing, there was always 2 weeks and more. never less than 2 weeks.

This 2 weeks, gonna be so hard. as usual '2weeks' and the worse thing, after the '2 weeks' here come my exam. So it means, I had to suffering the '2 weeks' and also I had to study for the exam. GREAT!

This horrible '2 weeks' start with Mandarin Assignment . I failed last week dictation. so Ma Lao Shi assign us in an assignment which is to write all the vocabulary with the steps ten times. Once again, TEN TIMES! okay. You must know how mandarin characters is. And now you can imagine how me and my friends are badly escape from that torture.

This not over yet, I'll post more about this '2 weeks'. *because I still got Mandarin to do -_-"*

So, yeah this is my story. And yours?


SPM 14-11-11

3:03 PM


I suppose to feel nervous tonight, I suppose full of preparation tonight. Because, I suppose to face SPM tomorrow. But, I'm not. Even though I'm not, I can feel how nervous they're. I had feel how to be sitting in Big exam Such as UAS and PMR. But, SPM is like much more deciding our future. So, the nervous and the heartbeat will be doubled than PMR. I just want to say GOOD LUCK! GOD BLESS YOU GUYS!

Mine is like on 2013. So now I'm in preparation. It just you guys finish earlier than me.




8:28 AM

TODAY IS 11-11-11
and until now, nothing special even cross my life.
11-11-11 doesn't mean anything for me.
11-11-11 just usual date.

Heaven is BACK!

7:41 AM

Heaven is BACK!

Yes, I am happy. One of my kind of heaven is back! (If you really wanna know my kind of heaven just open this link ) with more catchy offers! It also Big Bad Wolf Sale but, This time is..

This aftermath sale is more catchy and attractive and more fun definitely! because of ALL BOOK ONLY FOR RM 5.00 and below!! Can you imagine how myself trying to stop counting the days. Because aftermath sale is on 24-28 November 2011. ONE MORE WEEK FELLAS! I just can't wait to go there! anyway you can click the word aftermath sale in the above. it go directly to BBW's website. See you there!

p/s: I love you. *naah I won't say that. I just wanna know anyone going to aftermath sale! maybe we can go together! Happy Reading!*

These people love books too : Nadiyaaw , Vincoo , Retnaleeh , and Ira

Hip Hip Bibliomania!



10:00 AM

I love all kind of pastry.. especially This:

Many people didn't like it because the filling of the macaroons is sticky, and sometimes stick in our teeth and also they said it's too sweet. For me that is the pleasure of eating macaroons! and now, I'm craving for it! YES MACAROON!

And what make me really wanna buy macaroon this weekend is the group on offers.

40% OFF! a dozen of macaroon only for RM 33.00!
*original macaroon from France*

Okay, now I am really excited. but then, I run for my wallet in my bag. Unfortunately I don't have any money left for weekends. and now I just day dreaming eating macaroons. T_T so sad!

Feel free to buy me Macaroons!
I would appreciate it for the whole of my life :D


10:35 AM

I suppose to read my chemistry and do my assignment after the previous post.

Check out!

We can edit our photos manually but, with very cool effects.
I have done mine!

And one thing! we cannot save the painting without any watermark from psykopaint.
But, it still very cool.. give a try!

Shengri Kuaile Ma LaoShi

9:55 AM

Zhu Ni Shengri Kuaile
Zhu Ni Shengri Kuaile
Shengri Kuaile Ma LaoShi
Zhu Ni Shengri Kuaile

Today is Ma Lao Shi Birthday! My Mandarin Teacher.
Today we sing 'Happy Birthday' in Mandarin for her and also write some greeting for her.
She seems to be like it. since our class is the best class (no offence, she herself told that)
so we made card and sing for her.

"I will take this (the card) to China, when I go back" She said.

Learning Mandarin is quite tough. but I really enjoying learning Mandarin rather than Deutcsh.
I myself don't even know why. Anyway, I failed today's dictation so I have to write all vocab in lesson 3-6. So wish me luck!

Shengri Kuaile Ma LaoShi!