
10:51 AM

I had minor surgery today, to remove the unusual ulcer. I'm shaking while waiting the turn. Suddenly got stomachache. They called my name, and I came to the surgery room. I don't have to change clothes or anything, cause it's only small surgery. The doctor was calm. He took a photo of my unusual ulcer before remove it. After that he started inject me with anesthetic. I can't feel anything. The doctor cut my unusual ulcer, I even can hear the thing was being cut off. Sounds really scary.

He told me all the process, he said "okay now I'll do some stitches" "and now it's 90% done" "okay, we wipe the blood and give you another antiseptics " and finally done. I can't feel anything, the anesthetic still working. I looked to the mirror. "GOD SAVE MY LIPS!" It is weird. When got home, I can feel the pain. Not really hurt anyway, so tomorrow I'll go to school, maybe.

Oh yeah, I missed the class photo session. :(

The doctor said "After this, eat carefully ya.. so you won't bite your lips again and don't have through another surgery again"


Feel the pain, so you'll know how much it's hurts. And after that You'll be more careful - Afifa

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