
12:48 PM

What make people protest about something? It's only because they are critical thinker. They analyzing something before they accept it. In most of the cases, the people who are smart usually criticize something.
Yep, I'm one who protest when I'm being told of something. No, I'm not saying I'm smart. I've taught that way of thinking. This thing happen really often in my surrounding. I am protester, so yes I protest quite often.

But, sometimes it happen not in the right situation. Well, I did that lots of time maybe. Recently I feel different way about protest. I mean, I enjoy protest about something which I find not suitable or not right. But, this time I'm the one who being criticized. Not really criticized actually, just a bunch of protests. Because, there is no point there.

Being protested is not as fun as protesting. I've been there.

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