Edu Fair --> Confused.
3:22 PMSIGH -__-"
Edu fair make me think what to take,which to apply and bla..bla..bla..
Edu Fair is definitely help us a lot about taking programs in a university, they give clear information about their own university and also some free stuff to attract people to come to their booth (this one is apa banget) well, it works anyway.
Back to main point.Edu fair supposed to help me much.
Yeah, I'm still in 10th grade. still got 2 more years to finish High School. Even though I'm still faaaaar away from U's life but, it's okay rite to have plan for the following years? so, I start to think what program match me, or what faculty that I want. ANDDD END WITH CONFUSENISME. (read=confused).
okay another SIGH -____-"
The funny thing is, I came out with the idea of being Psychologist. and I tell everyone what I wanna be. Okay, that's great. and the other day my friend who experienced with U's stuff ask me to try this and that. and I came out with another idea of taking business. and it happen again and again. and AGAIN END WITH CONFUSENISME (read=confuse)
well, maybe I need to be consistent with my self. believe in what I've decided and live with what I've decided. Allah, please help me to choose, and please show me the right path to my success. AMIN!
p/s: Today and the next two days in PWTC, They have Indonesian Edu Fair. University2 from all over Indonesia will gather there giving you information that you'll need.
I know this post is BORING and ANNOYING. :p
don't read it if you don't wanna be anoyyed! Haahaha (crazy mode on <-- effect from CONFUSENISME)
thanks for reading.!
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