I had minor surgery today, to remove the unusual ulcer. I'm shaking while waiting the turn. Suddenly got stomachache. They called my name, and I came to the surgery room. I don't have to change clothes or anything, cause it's only small surgery. The doctor was calm. He took a photo of my unusual ulcer before remove it. After that he started inject me with anesthetic. I can't feel anything. The doctor cut my unusual ulcer, I even can hear the thing was being cut off. Sounds really scary.
He told me all the process, he said "okay now I'll do some stitches" "and now it's 90% done" "okay, we wipe the blood and give you another antiseptics " and finally done. I can't feel anything, the anesthetic still working. I looked to the mirror. "GOD SAVE MY LIPS!" It is weird. When got home, I can feel the pain. Not really hurt anyway, so tomorrow I'll go to school, maybe.
Oh yeah, I missed the class photo session. :(
The doctor said "After this, eat carefully ya.. so you won't bite your lips again and don't have through another surgery again"
Feel the pain, so you'll know how much it's hurts. And after that You'll be more careful - Afifa
Today I visited doctor. Yeah, my unusual ulcer is not ulcer. So,I have to remove it from my lips. They are going to do minor surgery to my not usual ulcer to remove it. So yeah, I'm going to have another day off. Monday till Wednesday. Surgery, sound scary. And actually it is. Just pray for me. I won't talk for at least a week. So maybe the class will be less noisy. They will miss my voice. Hahaha.
At 5pm I have my usual driving class, oh this time also unusual. Why my life keeps unusual day by day? bad luck I think. Parking is definitely not easy. So tough. The steering is so damn heavy. I need to eat more. But, i plan to eat less. Sigh. All things goes otherwise. And the instructor said "Afifa, your engine is off for 30 times you know? the maximum is how much? 3!" and I'm speechless.
Okay, my unusual day and unusual me is enough for today~~
Let the rest to be usual-Afifa
It's weekends. :)
*Let's forget, kejadian hari Senin. Dimana kelas kami melakukan praktikum, titrasi. Yang sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit, karna sudah dijelaskan terlebih dahulu oleh guru kimia kami Pak Dwi. Everything start from the time Pak Dwi membagikan kelompok. And I'm chosen with Husnul and Ayyub. What is in my mind? "Sekelompok sama Ayyub ga kiamat kok fa. Ada harapan walaupun peluang nya 1 per 100." I'm being optimistic. Which is good. Titrasi bisa di ulang minimal 3 kali untuk mendapatkan hasil yang akurat. Gue sama Husnul udah mencoba 2 kali. Pas yang ke-tiga, somehow Pak Dwi nyuruh Ayyub yang ngerjain. Dia ambil larutan yang sudah berwarna pink dan main toast2 sama ipang, act like it's a champagne "cheer!". T_T Belom cukup disitu, dia coba ngerjain pada awalnya oke-oke aja. Kemudian si Ayyub mendapati bahwa cairan itu akan berubah warna very soon, jadi karna freak out kali ya dia muter yang buat nutup burette nya dia puter 360 derajat. Dari posisi vertical ke vertical lagi. Yang bermakna itu ga ketutup dan NaOH nya berkurang sangat banyak.
I really love going out. Having a walk in a street and gaze around, feel the air. Staying at home sometimes cause me headache. By the time I was outside, I meet so many people, so many faces and for sure I can learn something by only going out and walking.
Saturday, 11.2.12
Me and Alif ( my lil brother) sat near the KLCC's fountain while waiting my mom and dad finish jogging. I sat there, I look around and for one second I stop and I stare at them. Okay maybe stare is not proper way but, yes I stare at them.
They are a couple. They joking, and laughing happily. Really romantic. But, you would ask why is it romantic? every couple did the same.
It's romantic because, they both are mute. They use sign language. Don't you see? They laughing happily as they don't have any problem with life. They mute, but it never used to be something that stop them to love someone. To have a happy life. Why we never ask our self? We have all working in our body. We can talk, see, hear and even feel. But, why sometimes I myself cannot feel happy in my life. I supposed to be happier than that people.You know why? They really grateful, they accept what god has given to us. Maybe, I'm not really grateful so I still can't enjoy my life. So the key is GRATEFUL.
I learn how to be grateful.
Dulu jadi bawahan, selalu mengimpikan untuk jadi atasan.
Banyak anak muda zaman sekarang dikit-dikit galau, bentar-bentar galau. Sekarang ini, galau seperti trend. Bahkan mungkin saking nge-tend nya kalau ga pernah galau berarti ga gaul. Apapun itu, galau sekarang sering melanda anak muda di Indonesia (kok cuma anak muda Indonesia? ya, karna yang menyebut galau itu orang Indonesia).
apa sih galau sebenarnya?
ke·ga·lau·an n sifat (keadaan hal) galau
- Putus Cinta ( well, everyone know how it feel kan? yes, galau abis putus cinta! )
- Dijauhin temen/gapunya temen ( galau gak ada temen curhat )
- Temen dimainin (kata2 anak gaul jaman sekarang) sama pacarnya (ikutan galau,kan memahami perasaan temen)
- Baca tweet atau status facebook orang ( galau juga, kebawa emosi)
- Ga punya duit (ini adalah galau normal. sangat normal bahkan)
- Banyak masalah ( yah, ini mah ga heran kalau galau.)
- Nilai jelek/IP rendah (ini galau versi anak sekolah dan mahasiswa)
- Kehilangan barang ( gausah galau juga kali, kalo rejeki nanti punya lagi)
- Udah ah delapan aja, ntar gue galau mikir apa aja penyebab galau.
- oh iya! Kebanyakan mikir (kebanyakan mikir bikin orang stress)
- Go for shopping ~ keseringan galau bangkrut.
- Movies/sekedar nonton TV ~ lumayan, entertaining kok
- Main bola/basket/olahraga ~ Sehat! Sering galau, makin sehat!
- Nyanyi sambil main gitar ~ tergantung lagu nya, kalo lagu sedih, ya makin galau.
- Teriak sekenceng-kencengnya ~ well, it works. gue pernah nyoba. huehehehe.
- Jalan-jalan ~ jalan-jalan bisa buat kita melek juga, bahwa kita ga seberapa galau dari mereka yang homeless
- Dan terakhir yang paling manjur adalah PENGYOU! FRIENDS! TEMAN!
3rd February.
My mum picked me up at school at around 6. I felt hungry and I ask mum to eat. After sent Alif to Kumon, we ate at Banana Leaf Restaurant just near the kumon at Sri hartamas. The awkward moment begin when I eat the Roti boom wildly until my mouth full and oily around the lips. I did not realize that the waiter looked and watching me. After I found out he was looking at me, he soon gave me tissue. At that time really I'm about to ask for tissue. After say thanks, he laugh. and I was so embarrassed. Awkward.
moral of the story: Do not eat wildly at public place. especially for us, girls.
5th February.
Yesterday is <3. I wake up this morning, with my half eyes closed. I hear people shouting and guns everywhere. still, with half eyes closed (because of the sun rays) I wondering if there is a war near here. the sound is so loud and near. I'm freaking out and walk through the living room. and what happen? I found out my lil brother playing war games in laptop with speaker in it. *sigh. he made me get up and go out from my heaven (read:myroom). He's laughing and said this to me "You're thinking that there are wars in here right?" and he's laughing.
Moral of the story: this is 2012 no more wars (I hope, we hope) if you hear a guns and people shouting relax, it's your brother playing war games out there.
First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY KAYNE! Wish you more adorable and more anxious.! You're just the cutest I've ever met. Happy 1st Birthday!
It's pretty tough,
when everything is not as I expected.
I just wanna make myself sure that:
I'll will risk everything, EVERYTHING.!
even if I have to leave what only I have.